A new bus for living together

Angela is the mother of the Family House "Arco Iris" of the Pope John XXIII Community, where people of all ages and with very different needs live. Over the years, their car has allowed them to experience all the outings together all the time but it is now old and needs to be replaced. They need a new 7-seater car so they can load the adults and the children and that has a trunk big enough to load the strollers and everything they need. The amount to be raised is €20,000 and Angela alone cannot do it: support her project!

A new bus for living together

Angela is the mother of the Family House "Arco Iris" of the Pope John XXIII Community, where people of all ages and with very different needs live. Over the years, their car has allowed them to experience all the outings together all the time but it is now old and needs to be replaced. They need a new 7-seater car so they can load the adults and the children and that has a trunk big enough to load the strollers and everything they need. The amount to be raised is €20,000 and Angela alone cannot do it: support her project!

Angela is the mother of the Family House "Arco Iris" of the Pope John XXIII Community.
It all began in 2004 when, as soon as she started her journey in the Community, they asked her to take in Veronica, a very special 14-year-old disabled girl. "Just for the Christmas vacations, so she won't spend it alone." Angela takes her to her home and immediately realizes that Veronica needs a mom who loves her and who loves her frailties. That vacation never ended.
Veronica had come to stay and to help bring out her best self. She turned 32 this year and is the mainstay of the family home.

Also living with them is Awa, a mother of Senegalese origin with her 3 small children. In the Family Home "Arco Iris" she has found a safe haven where she can raise her children and rebuild her life.

People of all ages and with very different needs live in the house. Veronica has to go to the Day Care Center, Khady -the oldest child- goes to the Primary School, Bara -who is 2 and a half years old- has to be taken to the play space.

Over the years, their car has become small to experience all the outings together as a Family Home and is now old and needs to be replaced. They need a new 7-seater car so they can load the adults and babies with car seats, and one that has a trunk big enough to load strollers and everything the babies need. The amount to be raised is €20,000, but the Pope John XXIII Community already has to support the needs of more than 500 shelters and cannot do it alone. That's why they need your help.

For Veronica, this car means freedom, friendship, autonomy.
For Awa, it is the chance to finally be able to live a normal life.
And for Angela, it means being able to continue to welcome and help those in need.

Donate now and create your own personal fundraiser to share with friends and family so that this family can continue so many experiences together. Every contribution is crucial and without you, we can't do it !!! Come on, are you in!!!?

22,240 €

30,000 €
86 Donations
Angela is the mother of the Family House "Arco Iris" of the Pope John XXIII Community.
It all began in 2004 when, as soon as she started her journey in the Community, they asked her to take in Veronica, a very special 14-year-old disabled girl. "Just for the Christmas vacations, so she won't spend it alone." Angela takes her to her home and immediately realizes that Veronica needs a mom who loves her and who loves her frailties. That vacation never ended.
Veronica had come to stay and to help bring out her best self. She turned 32 this year and is the mainstay of the family home.

Also living with them is Awa, a mother of Senegalese origin with her 3 small children. In the Family Home "Arco Iris" she has found a safe haven where she can raise her children and rebuild her life.

People of all ages and with very different needs live in the house. Veronica has to go to the Day Care Center, Khady -the oldest child- goes to the Primary School, Bara -who is 2 and a half years old- has to be taken to the play space.

Over the years, their car has become small to experience all the outings together as a Family Home and is now old and needs to be replaced. They need a new 7-seater car so they can load the adults and babies with car seats, and one that has a trunk big enough to load strollers and everything the babies need. The amount to be raised is €20,000, but the Pope John XXIII Community already has to support the needs of more than 500 shelters and cannot do it alone. That's why they need your help.

For Veronica, this car means freedom, friendship, autonomy.
For Awa, it is the chance to finally be able to live a normal life.
And for Angela, it means being able to continue to welcome and help those in need.

Donate now and create your own personal fundraiser to share with friends and family so that this family can continue so many experiences together. Every contribution is crucial and without you, we can't do it !!! Come on, are you in!!!?

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Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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Or write to sostenitori@apg23.org or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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