A documentary to tell the story of Don Oreste Benzi, "the madman of God"

"God's Fool" is a story that deserves to be told and known, because in its simplicity it does one very important thing: it teaches us to love, not to be afraid of the different, and shows us the way to build a just society in which there is room for everyone. Help us make the documentary!

A documentary to tell the story of Don Oreste Benzi, "the madman of God"

"God's Fool" is a story that deserves to be told and known, because in its simplicity it does one very important thing: it teaches us to love, not to be afraid of the different, and shows us the way to build a just society in which there is room for everyone. Help us make the documentary!

"The Madman of God" recounts the life and struggles of Don Oreste Benzi, the "parish priest with the lisa cassock," founder of the Pope John XXIII Community, who, thanks to the strength of his Faith, his courage and unwavering conviction that every life has the right to exist, managed to change the history of thousands of people.

The documentary is produced by "Coffee Time Film" of Rimini, an independent film production company in which people who grew up alongside Don Oreste work. For this reason, in the DNA of Coffee Time Film there is a natural attention to the last, to diversity, to paths of justice and social integration. The resulting artistic challenge is the attempt to spread the revolutionary thought and work of Don Oreste to new generations, a challenge in which the making of this documentary fits.

Thanks to the contribution of the Audiovisual Fund of the Emilia-Romagna Region and partners such as the "Cooperativa Il Calabrone" of Cremona, the "Cooperativa La Fraternità" and the "Cooperativa Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII" almost all the costs for filming have already been covered, but €30,000 is still needed to finish the last steps: editing, coloring and finalization .

The Don Oreste Benzi Foundation, created to keep his memory alive, has chosen to launch a fundraiser in support of this project, so that resources can be raised to cover the last, small, indispensable part of the processing for this work to see the light of day.

Therefore.today we are asking you to help us complete the making of this film by also contributing a donation, which is essential to cover the costs necessary for the final stages of post-production, and to make known the story of this extraordinary man, who for decades made so many young people fall in love with the poor and a life spent for them.

"God's Fool" is a story that deserves to be told and known, because in its simplicity it does one very important thing: it teaches us to love, not to be afraid of what is different, and shows us the way to build every day, in our own small way, a just society in which there is room for everyone .

Thanks to the contribution of so many, including yours, we will continue to keep alive the example of Don Oreste Benzi, who was able to show everyone, especially young people, the only possible way towards a future of brotherhood, love, solidarity and justice.

I have never minded being unscrupulous. Unprejudiced means not putting stakes before the coming God, the adventure. I have always liked adventure, in the etymological sense of the word: something that comes, and therefore was not there. I like to go toward what is coming, not to stand still with what was there."- Don Oreste Benzi

Other ways to donate:
You can also donate by bank transfer.
IBAN: IT34U0306909606100000154526
Made out to: Don Oreste Benzi Foundation
Reason to specify: Documentary don Oreste benzi

28,030 €

30,000 €
82 Donations
"The Madman of God" recounts the life and struggles of Don Oreste Benzi, the "parish priest with the lisa cassock," founder of the Pope John XXIII Community, who, thanks to the strength of his Faith, his courage and unwavering conviction that every life has the right to exist, managed to change the history of thousands of people.

The documentary is produced by "Coffee Time Film" of Rimini, an independent film production company in which people who grew up alongside Don Oreste work. For this reason, in the DNA of Coffee Time Film there is a natural attention to the last, to diversity, to paths of justice and social integration. The resulting artistic challenge is the attempt to spread the revolutionary thought and work of Don Oreste to new generations, a challenge in which the making of this documentary fits.

Thanks to the contribution of the Audiovisual Fund of the Emilia-Romagna Region and partners such as the "Cooperativa Il Calabrone" of Cremona, the "Cooperativa La Fraternità" and the "Cooperativa Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII" almost all the costs for filming have already been covered, but €30,000 is still needed to finish the last steps: editing, coloring and finalization .

The Don Oreste Benzi Foundation, created to keep his memory alive, has chosen to launch a fundraiser in support of this project, so that resources can be raised to cover the last, small, indispensable part of the processing for this work to see the light of day.

Therefore.today we are asking you to help us complete the making of this film by also contributing a donation, which is essential to cover the costs necessary for the final stages of post-production, and to make known the story of this extraordinary man, who for decades made so many young people fall in love with the poor and a life spent for them.

"God's Fool" is a story that deserves to be told and known, because in its simplicity it does one very important thing: it teaches us to love, not to be afraid of what is different, and shows us the way to build every day, in our own small way, a just society in which there is room for everyone .

Thanks to the contribution of so many, including yours, we will continue to keep alive the example of Don Oreste Benzi, who was able to show everyone, especially young people, the only possible way towards a future of brotherhood, love, solidarity and justice.

I have never minded being unscrupulous. Unprejudiced means not putting stakes before the coming God, the adventure. I have always liked adventure, in the etymological sense of the word: something that comes, and therefore was not there. I like to go toward what is coming, not to stand still with what was there."- Don Oreste Benzi

Other ways to donate:
You can also donate by bank transfer.
IBAN: IT34U0306909606100000154526
Made out to: Don Oreste Benzi Foundation
Reason to specify: Documentary don Oreste benzi

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