Let's get a special family going again

Valerio and Bianca are the mother and father of the San Francesco Family House of the Pope John XXIII Community, in the town of San Giovanni Lupatoto (VR) and they have always welcomed with love anyone who knocks at their door. Today there are 9 in the family, including 3 children with psychophysical disabilities and special needs. The urgency is to buy a new car, a safe vehicle to replace the one they have, always at the mechanic for repairs. Help this wonderful family to get moving again, every contribution is important!

Let's get a special family going again

Valerio and Bianca are the mother and father of the San Francesco Family House of the Pope John XXIII Community, in the town of San Giovanni Lupatoto (VR) and they have always welcomed with love anyone who knocks at their door. Today there are 9 in the family, including 3 children with psychophysical disabilities and special needs. The urgency is to buy a new car, a safe vehicle to replace the one they have, always at the mechanic for repairs. Help this wonderful family to get moving again, every contribution is important!

"Seventeen years ago Bianca and I said our yes, in a church in Verona, asking the Lord and Mary to let us open not only our hearts, but also the door of our homes to all those people who would need our simple help." Valerio, Saint Francis Family House.

Father Valerio and mother Bianca's adventure began with a special meeting with Don Oreste Benzi and the intuition that their home could open up into a welcoming embrace for anyone seeking the love of a family. And so, together with their three children, many different people arrived, many hearts in search of affection and care, many wounded stories that found tenderness and shared a bit of the road with them.

Their Family Home of the Pope John XXIII Community is called "San Francesco", an important name, their "master of life" as Valerio and Bianca like to say. St. Francis of Assisi represents stripping away everything to be a total gift, and this is what happens every time they open the door of their home to those who knock in search of help and a place to stay, finding much more.

Today there are 9 in the house. Valerio and Bianca are a loving father and mother, but now they have to deal with a big problem: they have to buy a new car. Their old car has a lot of kilometres on it and they often have to take it to the mechanic for repairs in an attempt to use it a little longer. But for the family, this is no longer possible. The children have different needs, and three of the boys have special needs because they have mental and physical disabilities. They need a safe means of transport to take them to medical appointments and to the various rehabilitation centres.

Valerio and Bianca have already identified a car suitable for the family's needs at a cost of €13,000. This is an expense that, at the moment, the Pope John XXIII Community, which has to provide for the many needs of more than 500 shelters, cannot sustain. This is why mum and dad need your help to get going again!

Leave your donation and a message that can convince others to do the same and multiply your help by creating your own personal fundraiser to share with your friends. Every contribution is important to reach the goal!
Come on, are you in!

2,625 €

13,000 €
50 Donations
"Seventeen years ago Bianca and I said our yes, in a church in Verona, asking the Lord and Mary to let us open not only our hearts, but also the door of our homes to all those people who would need our simple help." Valerio, Saint Francis Family House.

Father Valerio and mother Bianca's adventure began with a special meeting with Don Oreste Benzi and the intuition that their home could open up into a welcoming embrace for anyone seeking the love of a family. And so, together with their three children, many different people arrived, many hearts in search of affection and care, many wounded stories that found tenderness and shared a bit of the road with them.

Their Family Home of the Pope John XXIII Community is called "San Francesco", an important name, their "master of life" as Valerio and Bianca like to say. St. Francis of Assisi represents stripping away everything to be a total gift, and this is what happens every time they open the door of their home to those who knock in search of help and a place to stay, finding much more.

Today there are 9 in the house. Valerio and Bianca are a loving father and mother, but now they have to deal with a big problem: they have to buy a new car. Their old car has a lot of kilometres on it and they often have to take it to the mechanic for repairs in an attempt to use it a little longer. But for the family, this is no longer possible. The children have different needs, and three of the boys have special needs because they have mental and physical disabilities. They need a safe means of transport to take them to medical appointments and to the various rehabilitation centres.

Valerio and Bianca have already identified a car suitable for the family's needs at a cost of €13,000. This is an expense that, at the moment, the Pope John XXIII Community, which has to provide for the many needs of more than 500 shelters, cannot sustain. This is why mum and dad need your help to get going again!

Leave your donation and a message that can convince others to do the same and multiply your help by creating your own personal fundraiser to share with your friends. Every contribution is important to reach the goal!
Come on, are you in!


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Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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Or write to sostenitori@apg23.org or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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