Let's build the future together, boy by boy

The Pope John XXIII Community has been organizing open camps for young people for many years, promoting moments of reflection and growth. The July camp, part of an educational journey entitled "Easy Meeting," will have as its theme welcoming and valuing differences and will be held in Trentino at the "Madonna delle Vette" hotel, a place dear to the whole Community. To make the camp accessible to all, a fundraiser has been activated, with the goal of covering half of the participation fee. Make a donation and enable many young people to have a unique experience of sharing.

Let's build the future together, boy by boy

The Pope John XXIII Community has been organizing open camps for young people for many years, promoting moments of reflection and growth. The July camp, part of an educational journey entitled "Easy Meeting," will have as its theme welcoming and valuing differences and will be held in Trentino at the "Madonna delle Vette" hotel, a place dear to the whole Community. To make the camp accessible to all, a fundraiser has been activated, with the goal of covering half of the participation fee. Make a donation and enable many young people to have a unique experience of sharing.

Young people are our present
Today more than ever it is important to take care of the well-being and growth of our young people, who are the present and future of our society.
For this reason, the youth area of the Pope John XXIII Community has for several years been organizing camps open to adolescent, pre-adolescent and young people, during which it offers opportunities for reflection, sharing and growth .
In the youth camps of the Community there is no difference between "animator" and "animated," but the educator is a big brother with whom to confide and share one's thoughts, fears and hopes.

Infinite diversity in infinite combinations, one heart
In July we will be organizing a youth camp at the "Madonna delle Vette" hotel, a place of great symbolic value for our Community, wanted by Don Oreste Benzi more than 50 years ago to allow differently abled children to go on vacation just like all their peers.
Camp included in an educational journey that we started at the beginning of 2023 called "Easy Meeting." New format, new language, new educational model written by our educators.

The camp will be titled "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations, One Heart," and will be a hymn to welcoming and valuing differences, the founding element of all welcoming activities at Pope John.
We believe that every child has the right to have beautiful and meaningful experiences, regardless of the possibilities of their family of origin. For this reason, we always try to help cover the costs of room and board so that we can propose fees that are affordable for everyone.

Help us make youth camp affordable for everyone
The July camp will be open to 100 youths and the cost for room and board is €180 per person.
We don't want the amount to be an obstacle to the participation of so many young people and in order not to leave anyone behind we have decided to open a fundraiser and reach the goal of 10,000€. This way we will cover more than half of the cost of participation.

You can support this project in two ways:
  • Donate to an already active personal fundraiser: any contribution, even the smallest, will make a difference.
  • If, on the other hand, you want to do something even bigger, activate a personal fundraiser and help us involve many new people we otherwise could not reach by asking your friends, family and colleagues to support you with a donation.

1,260 €

10,000 €
26 Donations
Young people are our present
Today more than ever it is important to take care of the well-being and growth of our young people, who are the present and future of our society.
For this reason, the youth area of the Pope John XXIII Community has for several years been organizing camps open to adolescent, pre-adolescent and young people, during which it offers opportunities for reflection, sharing and growth .
In the youth camps of the Community there is no difference between "animator" and "animated," but the educator is a big brother with whom to confide and share one's thoughts, fears and hopes.

Infinite diversity in infinite combinations, one heart
In July we will be organizing a youth camp at the "Madonna delle Vette" hotel, a place of great symbolic value for our Community, wanted by Don Oreste Benzi more than 50 years ago to allow differently abled children to go on vacation just like all their peers.
Camp included in an educational journey that we started at the beginning of 2023 called "Easy Meeting." New format, new language, new educational model written by our educators.

The camp will be titled "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations, One Heart," and will be a hymn to welcoming and valuing differences, the founding element of all welcoming activities at Pope John.
We believe that every child has the right to have beautiful and meaningful experiences, regardless of the possibilities of their family of origin. For this reason, we always try to help cover the costs of room and board so that we can propose fees that are affordable for everyone.

Help us make youth camp affordable for everyone
The July camp will be open to 100 youths and the cost for room and board is €180 per person.
We don't want the amount to be an obstacle to the participation of so many young people and in order not to leave anyone behind we have decided to open a fundraiser and reach the goal of 10,000€. This way we will cover more than half of the cost of participation.

You can support this project in two ways:
  • Donate to an already active personal fundraiser: any contribution, even the smallest, will make a difference.
  • If, on the other hand, you want to do something even bigger, activate a personal fundraiser and help us involve many new people we otherwise could not reach by asking your friends, family and colleagues to support you with a donation.

Fundraisers supporting the project

News from fundraisers


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

Do you need any help?

Click here and read the instructions for creating your fundraiser
Or write to sostenitori@apg23.org or call 0543.404693 Monday through Friday (office hours).

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