Let's try to do something important together

I have known Giovanni for many years, and in all this time I have had the opportunity to discover and appreciate the beauty of his welcoming and authentic family.I have never done enough to show him my closeness and I believe that this is the right opportunity to do something significant that can really show him how close I am to him.But the more the merrier: let's help him together!

Let's try to do something important together

Fundraising by Roberto Frassineti

I have known Giovanni for many years, and in all this time I have had the opportunity to discover and appreciate the beauty of his welcoming and authentic family.
I have never done enough to show him my closeness and I believe that this is the right opportunity to do something significant that can really show him how close I am to him.
But the more the merrier: let's help him together!

1,505 €

1,500 €
35 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: A special gift for the "San Giovanni Bosco" Family Home
Total project goal: 3.500 €

This house has always been open to anyone who needed it, allowing everyone to find their own space, security, family warmth. However, 26 years are beginning to be a long time for a house. This is why today the "San Giovanni Bosco" Family Home in Faenza, part of the Pope John XXIII Community, is in need of maintenance and renovation, in order to continue to welcome people with love and care. Let's give her a present for her 26th birthday, let's celebrate her birthday together and help her!


Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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