To stay on the move

The call of the land and the Mapuche people was so strong. I am here for the second time with the goal of supporting and flanking this people and their struggle in defense of the land as an International Human Rights Observer.To do this, together with other volunteers, we visit the different communities in the area, even hundreds of kilometers apart, using a car that, as time and miles go by, needs more and more more and more maintenance work that we can no longer support alone.Our presence here is indispensable to protect their rights and that is why I am asking for your support today. Help us support the expenses necessary to ensure that our presence here can continue to bear fruit, making Mapuche struggle visible and allowing volunteers to get to know other communities and have new stories to tell. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you donate!

To stay on the move

The call of the land and the Mapuche people was so strong. I am here for the
second time with the goal of supporting and flanking this people and their
struggle in defense of the land
as an International Human Rights Observer.

To do this, together with other volunteers, we visit the different
communities in the area, even hundreds of kilometers apart,
using a car that, as time and miles go by, needs more and more
more and more maintenance work that we can no longer support alone.

Our presence here is indispensable to protect
their rights and that is why I am asking for your support today. Help us support the expenses necessary to ensure that our presence here can continue to bear fruit, making
Mapuche struggle visible and allowing volunteers to get to know other
communities and have new stories to tell.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you donate!

1,135 €

1,000 €
30 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: In Chile alongside the Mapuche people
Total project goal: 10.000 €

The Mapuche, an indigenous people in Chile, have been persecuted and ignored for years: the State does not recognise their existence or protect their identity. Deprived of their land of origin, they are forced to fight to get it back and are therefore victims of strong repression. The Community, with volunteers, supports them in this path of claim in a peaceful and non-violent way. Support them too.




Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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