Eyes that tell

Hi everyone, I'm Giulia.I spent 6 months in Ndola, Zambia, as a volunteer in the projects of the Pope John XXIII Community.I'm here to voice this fundraiser in support of the "Cicetekelo Youth Project" which has been working for years on theemergency of minors leading a life on the streets.Part of the project involves taking in children and young people in a temporary residence facility. Here, in addition to taking direct care of their needs both humanly and physically, activities, educational and reeducation projects are offered .I have directly and intensely experienced this project. Contact with their frailties disarmed me: their eyes told their story and this touched me deeply.Do you have any idea what your life would be like without the affection of a family and concrete support for your needs? Try to imagine the difference it can make for each child to have someone who cares and cares for them, investing in their present so that they can secure their future.I hope I have conveyed to you the importance of this project and how important your contribution is in support of this fight with and for children.Every donation is important. Thank you for what you will do for them .

Eyes that tell

Fundraising by Giulia Fea
Hi everyone, I'm Giulia

.I spent 6 months in Ndola, Zambia, as a volunteer in the projects of the Pope John XXIII Community.

I'm here to voice this fundraiser in support of the "Cicetekelo Youth Project" which has been working for years on theemergency of minors leading a life on the streets.

Part of the project involves taking in children and young people in a temporary residence facility. Here, in addition to taking direct care of their needs both humanly and physically, activities, educational and reeducation projects are offered .

I have directly and intensely experienced this project. Contact with their frailties disarmed me:


eyes told their story and this touched me deeply.

Do you have any idea what your life would be like without the affection of a family and concrete support for your needs? Try to imagine the difference it can make for each child to have someone who cares and cares for them, investing in their present so that they can secure their future.

I hope I have conveyed to you the importance of this project and how important your contribution is in support of this fight with and for children.

Every donation is important. Thank you for what you will do for them


2,500 €

-50 Days
2,500 €
45 Donations
The fundraiser supports the project: Support school projects for Cicetekelo children
Total project goal: 8.000 €

In Zambia, the Pope John XXIII Community's Cicetekelo Project is dedicated to welcoming and caring for street children and young people living in hardship and poverty. Here, every year, we try to improve the educational services offered to give more and more children and young people the opportunity to become protagonists of their own lives. To do this we need to buy new materials and activate new school projects-now we need everyone's help! Come on, are you in?




Dai Ci Stai? It is the platform created to create online fundraisers in support of the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, which for more than 50 years alongside those in need.

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