Have you ever felt so strong, so strong that you could build Peace?

In the refugee camp of Tel Abbas, Lebanon, I've rediscovered hope for a peaceful world. This hope was given to me by the people who, although forced to leave their past in Syria, haven't stopped dreaming a better future and living the present with affection. I think all of us can do something to keep this hope alive. Supporting Operazione Colomba is an example. Supporting Operazione Colomba means directly support the victims of this conflict, who need a lot of economic resources to live and access services in Lebanon. With your help, 2020 can start as a much easier year for many, many people.

Have you ever felt so strong, so strong that you could build Peace?

Raccolta fondi di Tatiana Dal Corso
In the refugee camp of Tel Abbas, Lebanon, I've rediscovered hope for a peaceful world. This hope was given to me by the people who, although forced to leave their past in Syria, haven't stopped dreaming a better future and living the present with affection.
I think all of us can do something to keep this hope alive. Supporting Operazione Colomba is an example. Supporting Operazione Colomba means directly support the victims of this conflict, who need a lot of economic resources to live and access services in Lebanon.
With your help, 2020 can start as a much easier year for many, many people.

155 €

500 €
6 Donazioni
La raccolta fondi sostiene il progetto: Operazione Colomba in Libano - 2020
Obiettivo totale del progetto: 20.000 €

Sono migliaia gli sfollati che ancora vivono nei campi profughi del nord del Libano, molti anche qui a Tel Abbas, insieme ai nostri volontari che con loro condividono la sofferenza ma anche la speranza. Sostienili per costruire insieme la pace.


Dai Ci Stai? È la piattaforma nata per creare raccolte fondi online a sostegno della Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII, che da più di 50 anni è al fianco di chi ha bisogno.

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